Anticipation, exhilaration, anxiety and jubilation are likely many emotions you endured for the months leading up to your child’s birth. However, somehow, somewhere along the way, something went wrong – during pregnancy, delivery or soon after birth. Now, the feelings you should be experiencing after the birth of your child have transformed into feelings of grief, anger and despair.
Rather than living normal, healthy, productive lives, children who suffer from birth injuries often face a lifetime of physical and emotional challenges. Joe Dunn is committed to helping families overcome these terrifying experiences and alleviate the associated financial strain that often results. Contact Joe Dunn to learn how he can help.
Joe Dunn has extensive experience and skill handling medical malpractice lawsuits in Illinois. He offers compassionate, straightforward advice and guidance to families when a child has suffered a birth injury, such as shoulder dystocia, Erb’s palsy, cerebral palsy, brain damage or other developmental disability.
When medical negligence contributed to your child’s birth injury, he pursue justice and accountability.
Not all birth trauma or complications are related directly to medical malpractice. Joe Dunn and experts carefully evaluate the care provided throughout pregnancy, delivery and after birth to determine whether or not preventable mistakes, incompetence, or failure to prepare for neonatal distress caused the birth injury.
- Was the mother properly assessed during pregnancy for pre-eclampsia?
- Did lack of fetal monitoring result in hypoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain)?
- Did forceful use of forceps or vacuum cause damage?
- Should a C-section have been performed to avoid delivering a large baby or breeched baby?
- Did a delayed decision to perform a C-section cause unnecessary trauma or brain damage to the fetus?
- Were other obstetrical mistakes made in the labor and delivery room which resulting in birth injury?
Recognizing that families incur significant expenses when a child has suffered a birth injury, he pursues maximum compensation to alleviate the mounting costs. He seeks compensation for current, past and future medical expenses, loss of earning capacity, long-term care and pain and suffering. While nothing can undo the harm which has been done, a fair settlement can provide a child who is physically or developmentally disabled with the best medical and rehabilitative care and financial security for the future.